Rahisi sana

Kwa kawaida, it was named Phallus drewsii. This comes form the list of the top 10 species named in 2009, inafuatwa na Chuo Kikuu cha Jimbo la Arizona (si orodha nzuri sana kama 7 za aina yangu mpya hazikuwepo…). While I tend to avoid phallic and O’Keeffesque botany, this one I couldn’t resist because it . . . → Soma Zaidi: Rahisi sana

Imekwenda Kukusanya

Over a long weekend I’ll be out in the field. Stay tuned for incredible stories (no hype here…).

While I’m away enjoy the following from other excellent bloggers:

Ted MacRae demonstrates the proper field attire. Just about how I’ll look for the next few days. Explore the Queensland Rainforest with David Rentz. Identify this moth . . . → Soma Zaidi: Imekwenda Kukusanya

Sasa ni nafasi yetu…

A 15 mguu kijivu nyangumi tu nikanawa up katika San Francisco Bay. Sasa ni nafasi yetu kwa ajili ya kulipuka nyangumi sehemu 2!

New page!

Look above, I’ve created a new page for techniques. Ever wonder how something is done? Ask me how and I will illustrate.