Volver Blogging!

Como eu estou seguro que notou as cousas foron moi tranquilo por aquí nos últimos dous meses. A maioría de xaneiro estaba ocupado con un movemento, de San Francisco para Chicago. Desafortunadamente, a fundación que estaba a apoiar o meu traballo na Academia de Ciencias de California tivo que facer algunhas chamadas financeiras difíciles e a miña posición foi interrompida.. Os despedimentos adicionais no CAS só significaban que non había forma de quedarme no museo – tal é o mundo efémero do financiamento da investigación. Botarei de menos os incribles amigos que fixen e a fermosa paisaxe de California, catro anos seguro que van voando nun flash. Sen dúbida atoparei algo nun futuro non moi afastado (se sabes de algo avisame!). Mentres tanto podo concentrarme en experimentar co meu material fotográfico e en facer eses manuscritos que levan demasiado tempo..

A tempada de primavera/tornados está á volta da esquina aquí en Chicagoland e creo que é seguro dicir que escenas como esta son cousa do pasado. Estade atentos ás actualizacións periódicas, novas fotografías, e a onde podería estar a pasar!


7 comments to Back to Blogging!

  • Bob Abela

    I’ve followed your blog with interest over the last couple of years and will continue to. Así, just wishing you the best in your future pursuits Chris. saúde! Bob

  • We’ve missed you.

    Sabe, Chicago isn’t that far from St. Louis. If you find yourself dipping down south a little bit during the collecting season let me knowit’d be fun to meet.

    • Grazas Ted! If I’m here for very long I’ll start to get antsy and probably plan something for my old haunts down in southern IL. If this weather keeps up April might be fantastic collecting. And let me know if you ever head up to Chicago!

  • Welcome back! I also fell victim to budget cutshere’s hoping you land on your feet too! (tarsi?)

  • I don’t understand, Chris. Why would you spend the time and money to move from CA back to IL when you don’t have a next step in place? I’m sorry to see you go. I almost sent you an email asking what happened to your blog, letting you know about how my last Lophocampa cocoon emerged as a parasitoid wasp in September, and asking how Paul is doing now. I guess each of us has to make our own difficult decisions. I wish you well and am looking forward to more blog postings.

    IVE, I’m thinking Ted may have a job for you. 😉

    • Ah yes I guess it wouldn’t be known to most of my readers that Chicago is my hometown! I’m here living with family and friends for nothingand I discovered added bonuses like my car insurance just dropped by $1000 a year. It was really hard leaving CA but hopefully I can find something out west again.

      The downtime is good for my moths though, I’m actually making headway on pending manuscripts so I will hopefully get around to the Lophocampa in the not too distant future. I also saw Paul in November and he is doing great, on his feet and back to normal.

  • Neville Hudson

    Sorry to hear you have been laid off. Hope you find a new position quickly. Have missed your regular updates and are looking forward to more.
    Todo o mellor!