Motyl Vengeance

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Plebejus Samuels

Wszyscy widzieliśmy ten dzień nadchodzi, wzrost z motyli, dzień będą na nas zemścić. Już nie będą biernie latać ich siedlisk, ponieważ są one zrównane z ziemią dla centrów i zanieczyszczone spływania. One particularly angry Karner Blue has submitted a letter to the Onion warning us that our time is about up. Endangered little Lycaenidae will join hands and come after us some quiet night while we’re asleep in our beds. We at the LepidopteristsSociety have even made their list for failing to take action. Together we should act before it is too latelet us preemptively strike before the rise of the blues. Save your families! Burn those styrofoam containers, pave the prairies, drive your off-road vehicles and take a stand against these fluttering fanatics!

(or we could just save them…)

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