Net-Winged Beetle

Te velike in zanimive Lycidae hrošči (Lycus fernandezi) je bilo v izobilju v jugovzhodni Arizoni pred nekaj tedni. Nenehno, ki leti med cvetje in vlažnem pesku so bili zaradi česar za enostavno fotografiranje ciljev. Pomislil sem “Tukaj je odlična priložnost, da ujeti hrošča vzletanje!”.


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Lycus fernandezi (Lycidae)



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Lycus fernandezi (Lycidae)


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Lycus fernandezi (Lycidae)

If it hadn’t been 105 degrees out and I didn’t have a cloud of flies clinging to my face I would have fixed my camera settings and waited for another chance. But this is all my patience could bearafter all it’s just a beetle!

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