

本周蛾是一种舞蹈微菲律宾视频 (采取沃伦Laurde). 正如你可能会怀疑这是一个交配显示,在一个相当壮观的倒立结束. 还有很多其他的microleps的有跳舞或显示行为, but there are almost no other videos online and few as high quality as this one. I am thinking this is a Cosmopterigidae, something approaching the genus Ressia. I am unable to find confirmed records of anything near this genus from SE Asia (and nothing in the Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands) – but doing a google search I did find another image of what might be this same moth!

% title

天蛾科 - Melvyn Yeo


3 意见周一蛾的