Ħu li, vertebrati!


Stajt magħrufa għal waqt dik ħanfus u inverts oħra kultant ikollhom il-vertebrati skond menu tagħhom, imma jien ma verament jafu kif kbira ta 'annimal li jistgħu subdue! Anke meta l-mantis fard grabs Hummingbird-differenza daqs mhux bħala sostanzjali kif muri hawn isfel. This impressive video was published recently in the free online journal Zookeys.


Here is one of the figures from the paper, illustrating more beetles feeding on multiple species of Amphibians!




Gil Wizen, Avital Gasith (2011). Predation of amphibians by carabid beetles of the genus Epomis found in the central coastal plain of Israel Zookeys, 100, 181-191 : DOI:10.3897/zookeys.100.1526

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