
行, not an insect...


在接下來的三個星期我的同事從蛛形實驗室在加州科學院是在菲律賓! (沒有, 不嫉妒可言…) 此行是CAS赫斯特遠征的一部分, a massive effort spanning all of our research departments to survey the deep seas, shallow seas and terrestrial environment of Luzon. 博士. Charles Griswold brought two of his PhD studentsHannah Wood and Natalia Chousou Polydourito help collect spiders and insects. Particularly, I’m looking forward to the Lepidoptera that Natalia will be bringing back! (I gave her a quick course on field collecting moths). Sadly I’m not there to photograph and collect this diversity myself; but we can all watch enviously as the teams post updates on their progress over the next month on the expedition blog. There are already lots of great entries and images from the aquatic peoplestay tuned for the insects.

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