

フィールドに出先日ながらこの男に出くわした, ここで何が起こっているの? 受注/家族/属授与ポイント – しかし、このグループのさえ専門家は、かなりまだ種を把握することはできません.


(everyone in the field with me should hold their comments until the guesses come in!)

3 comments to Monday mystery

  • Snail-slurping Pyractomena SP. (or something of that ilk)?

  • I don’t think this is a lampyrid or other lampyroid larva, which typically have the abdominal segments laterall flanged. The terminal segment doesn’t look right either. I would have said a scavenging ground or staphylinid beetle larva, or even a carrion beetle larva, but the apparent lack of caudal appendages seem to rule those out also. I even started thinking it might be a scavenging terrestrial isopod, but even they usually have caudal appendages. This is my long-winded way of saying I’m stumped.