Xenio da Prensa XVII

Normalmente atópome con horribles artigos de entomoloxía con suficiente regularidade como para gardar un atraso para futuras series. Este non foi o caso nas últimas semanas, Non me atopei coa variedade normal de terribles medios de comunicación. Quizais me canso e deixe de mirar con tanto coidado – pero esta semana ata atopeime cunha avelaíña relacionada corrección de Maui News. Eles corrixiron o seu erro, pero debeu eliminar o artigo orixinal…

E para esta semana atopeino Este artigo coa imaxe de abaixo. Debería ser moi sinxelo detectar a estrañeza (eles facer polo menos consegue sinalar que a polilla é non o LBAM (avelaíña da mazá marrón claro)).


5 comments to Genius of the Press XVII

  • That is /not/ what a death’s head hawkmoth pronotum looks like! I think it’s a clipping from the Silence of the Lambs movie poster.


  • Movie posters aside, death’s heads aren’t found on this side of the world. Ou, are they? I bet Jerry rues the day he reported his little LBAM find from his backyard. I know a couple organic farmer friends in Santa Cruz county who still curse his name, when they should be cursing Kawamura. For a couple months in 2008 we had airplanes spraying all night long, even though we’re supposedly within the boundaries of a national marine sanctuary. I love the title of the article.

    • Yup, it is the poster! And if you actually look close enough theskullis a famous Dali photograph of nude women (yes some artistic nuditynsfw?) ((depends on your work)).

      The deaths head hawkmoth is not found in the US, it’s pretty restricted to southern Europe and Northern Africa.

      I don’t think Jerry regrets reporting that moth, the damage that it is capable of could cost farmers tens of millions. A lot of people cause a ruckus over nothing about the sprayingbut if we let it go unchecked the ecological damage from the pest could be far worse.