Xenio da Prensa XI

Este xenio da prensa é moi especial, non pola súa dificultade, senón pola súa redundancia. Atopei a mesma historia en dúas fontes separadas, con imaxes diferentes – e ambos son igualmente incorrectos! Podo imaxinar que alguén non tardará moito en sinalar exactamente o que está mal con estas historias (suxestión, hai 2 cousas).

Aquí está o primeiro do Mirror.co.uk “Atopouse unha polilla xigante rara en Devon”.

E o segundo do Correo diario en liña ” Rara polilla Luna atopada en Devon…”

2 comments to Genius of the Press XI

  • How do you find these things?!

    Está ben, the North American luna moth is by no means endangered, but I’d say this is not the North American species, but rather the Indian moon moth (Actias selene) – a commercially available species that is commonly reared by enthusiasts.

    • Bingo! It’s not uncommon for one news source to print something and have it picked up elsewhereso when I usually find duplicates I ignore that fact. But this was was really odd because it was two separate articles with different material yet both equally wrong.

      The nice thing about this series is that I never have to worry about finding new material; the media will always disappoint.

      And you’re right, someone probably just reared this moth in the UK for fun. Their laws regulating things like that are not nearly as strict as they are here in the US, so it was probably the woman’s neighbor!