Порна з матылькоў

Вось мужчына, які ўзвышаецца на ўзгорку Матылёк ад целиакии, або Аніс ластаўка. Гэтая матылёк шырока распаўсюджана ў заходняй частцы Ціхага акіяна і, верагодна, сустракаецца значна часцей, чым раней. Пасля ўвядзення фенхеля (Foeniculum vulgare), і наступны ўцёкі з садаводства, анісавая ластаўка прыжылася як звычайны каліфарнійскі матылёк. Магчыма, раней гэты завод абагнаў нашы абочыны zelicaon магчыма, былі абмежаваныя перадгор'ямі Сьеры, цяпер вы можаце знайсці яго ў садах па ўсёй Каліфорніі. Хаця, На поўдні Каліфорніі ўсё памяншаецца, дзе гэты матылёк знікае з гарадскіх раёнаў. Нядаўняе занясенне цыганскай молі ў раёны Вентуры / Лос-Анджэлеса паклала пачатак рэжымам апырсквання інсектыцыдамі – не кажучы ўжо пра з'яўленне інвазійных паразітычных Tachinidae, якія любяць больш буйныя лепсы. На ўсходнім узбярэжжы гэтая паразітычная муха і моцнае распыленне знішчылі імперскую моль (Eacles Imperialis) з большай часткі яго дыяпазону, пакідаючы яго пад пагрозай знікнення на большай частцы Новай Англіі.

For those who don’t know, hill-topping behavior is a butterflyking of the mountainof sorts. A number of butterfly species (among other insects and possibly some moths) will regularly patrol the highest peaks in mate seeking behavior. Some authors consider this as lekking behavior, аднак “anthropomorphizing butterflies with other animal behavior is easy to do. Males seem to compete for the best position on the highest peak, of which females frequent the most. Back in my home state of Illinoispeaksor even hills are far and few in-between. Instead, butterflies use railroad paths or even houses.

I photographed this butterfly in spring in San Francisco during the 16th annual SF Butterfly count. After 5 hours of hiking McLaren Park my group tallied a staggering twelve species. Across all of San Francisco proper the count was a record breaking 24! Добра, not that impressive and probably staggeringly depressing when you consider how many species we know that were lostlet alone what were aren’t even aware of. As a fond memory, here is a Xerces blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus xerces) that is held here in the collections of the California Academy of Sciences. The label reads “Сакавік 20 1932, Сан-Францыска”.

2010 SF Butterfly count

Papilio rutulusWestern Tiger

Papilio zelicaonAnise Swallowtail

Battus philenor Pipevine swallowtail

Pieris рапаCabbage white

Euchloe ausonides Large Marble

Colias eurytheme Orange Sulphur

Strymon melinusGray Hairstreak

Celastrina echo Echo Blue

Plebejus acmon Acmon Blue

Agraulis vanillae Gulf Fritillary

Phyciodes pulchellaField Crescent

Phyciodes mylittaMylitta Crescent

Euphydryas chalcedona Variable Checkerspot

Nymphalis californica California Tortoiseshell

Ванэса virginiensis – American Painted Lady

Vanessa cardui Painted Lady

Vanessa annabella West Coast Lady

Ванэса Аталанта – Чырвоны адмірал

Junonia coenia Buckeye

Coenonympha tullia california California Common Ringlet

Pygrus communisCommon Checkered Skipper

Hylephilia phyleus Fiery Skipper

Polites sabuleti Sandhill Skipper

Poanes melaneUmber Skipper

Total: 24 віды, 775 individuals

5 comments to Butterfly Porn

  • Bob Abela

    Glad to see the butteryfly count is still going. And it’s posts like this one that sends me back in time.

    As a kid and native San Franciscan, my friends and I did many day hikes around places like Ft. Funsten, Pine Lake, and Lake Merced, or along Brotherhood Way and behind Lowell High School before these areas were fully developed. But even during the 70’s, I remember the number of butterfly species was not many. The Anise Swallowtail was fairly common, even then.

    The Xerces Blue was already long gone but, as kids, we did wonder if it were possible a small population lingered on, somehow overlooked and unnoticed…мы не знайшлі яго 🙁

    Would be curious to see what species were recently counted and compare with what I can remember. Will have to check it out over at the NABA website. Ўра!

    • Just updated with a listmeant to do that right away!

      I spent last summer in Santa Barbara backcountry with a distant hope of finding the extinct unsilvered fritillary (atossa). I bet you can guess how that ended.

      • Bob Abela

        Thanks for updating. Noted that NABA only offers listings for a fee. Considering these are compiled by volunteer efforts, not sure I agree. Так ці інакш, I note the absence of the Mourning Cloak, Nymphalis antiopa (which I presume is still around). And now the presence of the Gulf Fritallary. Інакш, ды, a very familiar list.

  • […] bluesif the invasive species can be controlledit won’t go the way of the Xerces. Пераехала самка – Twin Peaks […]