Xenio da Prensa VIII

Benvido ao volume oito da serie que se repite de forma inconsistente, Xenio da Prensa. atopeime Este artigo recentemente sobre unha bolboreta endémica portorriqueña. Quen me pode dicir exactamente por que este informe é enganoso? Pode ser un pouco máis complicado que o GOP estándar (Suxiro descartar calquera acrónimo asociado previamente con esas letras). Suxestión, só dicirme que a bolboreta da imaxe é de Malaisia ​​non é a resposta que estou a buscar!

5 comments to Genius of the Press VIII

  • The article’s title contradicts with the content. The habitat will receive the protected status, not the species.
    Is this the solution?

  • The review also could determine that protected status is not warrantedthe report makes it seem as if protection is imminent.

  • You’re both right, but not quite the answer I’m looking for! This GOP is in line with the others I’ve done and is taxonomy related, just not as glaring (I actually didn’t realize it for a while).

  • Harlequin butterfly family”? There is no such thing. The PR species (Atlantea tulita) is one of the brush-footed butterflies (family Nymphalidae), while the Malayan species shown (Paralaxita orphua) is a metalmark (family Riodinidae).

  • Bingo. I took for granted that I’ve seen similar Riodinidae in Costa Ricafigured it wasn’t a stretch that one was threatened on PR. I actually posted this link on a message board without looking any of it up to fact checkdawned on me days later to go back and find out more about the lep. Almost snuck by me