Daim ntawv qhia muab toj roob hauv pes

Kuv yeej ib txwm wondered yuav ua li cas thiaj nrhiav tau qhov tseeb terminology rau daim av npog hauv ib cheeb tsam uas muab. Feem ntau, Kuv xwb ballpark tej yam raws txoj kab kev “ntoo qhib chaparral”. Tab sis tam sim no kuv yuav siv tau qhov no txaus daim ntawv tshiab qhia coj tuaj rau peb los ntawm tus USGS/National Biological lus Infrastructure. Qib uas nthuav dav yog amazing, thiab koj yuav qhia cov neeg kawm ntawv kom muaj ib nco os tab (1-3). Tam sim no nrog rau lub siab-def U.S. topo daim ntawv qhia kuv tau saib xyov nyob qhov twg lub rooj muag coob txog monterrey ntoo thuv yog (Nws tseem ua tau ib tug California nqaum kaw lub Conifer tom hav zoov thiab lub) yog li kuv thiaj optimally muab kuv mag lis xaus no.

No daim ntawv qhia no kuj ua rau kuv tu siab zoo nkauj – Yog koj mus los kuv lub tsev lub xeev ntawm Illinois – sij hawm koj nyob ntev npaum li cas nws yuav siv sij hawm nrhiav ib pixel ntawm “tiaj pom khab hab txhawb tallgrass” Tom qab ob peb feeb rau ib qhov chaw uas kuv paub, Kuv thaum kawg pom nws. Lub tshav puam so los siav ziab lub teeb yog cropland… thiab tiv thaiv nrag xim yog tus tua-ntxoov ziab uas ua rau nws tsis pom ze li ntawm. Tab sis npog, Nws tseem muaj, 4 pixels ntawm nrag mus rau sab laug ntawm cov uas ntawv sau thiab nyob ze cov pob me me liab teev.

4 lus rau toj roob hauv pes muab daim ntawv qhia

  • Tuam txias heev. Thiab muaj, Nws yog depressing kom pom tau li xwb thiab cais peb grassland remnants hais tiag mas. Kuv tsis paub tseeb seb zoo li cas hauv daim duab yog Missouri, tab sis, nyob rau hauv Illinois kuv ntseeg xwb 7/10 ntawm 1% ntawm cov thawj nrag zej zog seem. Qhov no yog vim li cas tseem kom kuv sau ntawv ntawm ob peb lub lis piam dhau los txog qhov vim tsis paub xav muab rau invertebrates hlawv ntev raws kev tswj hauv kev pab them nqi rau peb remnants nov rau Missouri (thiab uas nkawd mus angered muaj qee yam ntawm peb lub zos Resources DNR] folks).

  • Nws drives kuv ceev koj tus kheej li cas qee cov rangers Resources DNR] / FWS/NPS/FS nqa tau legit ntawm lawv cov kev tswj kev thuam. Peb muaj ntau los ntawm anecdotal thiab ib co quantitative pov thawj uas pom tias yog hlawv repetitive no ntshe tsis zoo rau inverts – tab sis, nws tawm tej chaw ua si ranger uas xav tias yog kev txuag tus cawm seej divine pisses.

    Kuv, nrog rau ob peb lwm tus, yuav tsum petitioned teeb rooj ntawm ntug txiav nyom nyob hauv ob peb chaw ua si/Guard rov sab hnub tuaj txog. Kuv tsis muaj ib qho teeb meem nrog ib me ntsis sawb ntuag iab rau tsheb…but I’m sure you know how ridiculous it can get. Especially when they mow 4-5 huge tractor widths back from the pavement. When we have only .001% of prairie left, mowing that tiny strip of native veg is criminal.

    The response to our request? A few places stoppedother rangers filed formal complaints to have our research permits revoked.

  • Fantastic tool! I’m sad the map stops at the northern border, though 🙁