Sunday Quiz

For the rarely reoccurring quiz series, here is a new image. Who is this moth?

Have you seen me?

For those Californians reading, especially those in the south, keep an eye out for this beautiful little spider, Latrodectus geometricusthe brown widow. Arachnologists at UC Riverside are monitoring the spread of this invasive species. Ironically it turns out to not be as dangerous as our native black widow. Nonetheless, it is not . . . → Devamı: Have you seen me?

Yavaş bir haber gün olmalı…

Kore sıcak bir savaşın kenarında teetering ile, benzeri görülmemiş bir oran ve Jamaika sivil huzursuzluk bir ekolojik felaket (Birisi Performansımı yok ettiniz) – just to name a few of todays headlines from other sourcesCNN takes the time to fluff up its front page.

I usually . . . → Devamı: Yavaş bir haber gün olmalı…

An Awesome Little Butterfly

A once in a lifetime occurrence, a bilateral gynandromorph. Kısacası, a glitch during cell differentiation creates asymmetrical chromosome patterns, which leads to asymmetrical sex expression in the adult insect. If you haven’t clicked the link above, do so, it’s an excellent description with some awesome photos.

Back to the butterfly. Ben . . . → Devamı: An Awesome Little Butterfly

Sadece çok kolay

Doğal olarak, Bu Phallus drewsii seçildi. Bu üst listesini oluşturmak geliyor 10 adı geçen türlerin 2009, Arizona Eyalet Üniversitesi tarafından uyulması (değil çok iyi bir liste halinde 7 Yeni türlerin orada değildi…). Ben fallik ve O'Keeffesque botanik önlemek eğilimi, Ben çünkü Dayanamadım bu bir . . . → Devamı: Sadece çok kolay

Güve ve Ben #11

Has just been posted over at Beetles in the Bush. Go over and explore the latest moth carnival, a gathering of blogs that have featured moths in one way or another over the last month or so.

The Dangerous Life of a Lepidopterist

News in from India, a butterfly photographer has been kidnapped. A local park official who was visiting the north eastern province Arunachal Pradesh was taken at night by a gang of armed youth-rebels. Efforts to find him have been hampered by the weather and remote terrain. India has recently become one of the most difficult . . . → Devamı: The Dangerous Life of a Lepidopterist

Gone Collecting

Over a long weekend I’ll be out in the field. Stay tuned for incredible stories (no hype here…).

While I’m away enjoy the following from other excellent bloggers:

Ted MacRae demonstrates the proper field attire. Just about how I’ll look for the next few days. Explore the Queensland Rainforest with David Rentz. Identify this moth . . . → Devamı: Gone Collecting

Basın Genius, içinde. VI

It’s good to throw a changeup every one in a while, and this week here is an article that is actually GOOD. Evet, you read it here first, a positive article about entomology collections. We all need a breather after that Fox news fiasco with the Michigan State collection. The Honolulu Magazine does a really . . . → Devamı: Basın Genius, içinde. VI

Hepiniz Güve-ers

Farkında olmayanlar için, yeni bir kitap geçen yılın sonunda pazara. “Batı, Kuzey Amerika Güveler“, Powell ve Opler. Anda sadece $95 her kuruş olduğunu (veya $75 e-kitap için, ama e-kitap nefret). Bu dikkat çekici bir cilt ve kendi türünün ilk değil . . . → Devamı: Hepiniz Güve-ers