
對於加州人閱讀, 特別是在南方, 留意這個美麗的小蜘蛛, 幾何海蜇 – 褐寡婦. 加州大學河濱分校的蜘蛛學家 正在監測這種入侵物種的傳播. 諷刺的是它原來並不像我們本土的黑寡婦一樣危險. 儘管如此, 它不是來自這些這裡的部分 (應該用你最好的南方口音說). 如果你找到一個標本, 特別是如果您不在 LA/Orange/SD 縣, 你應該 接觸 UCR 的團隊.

2 comments to Have you seen me?

  • 有趣. This is the first I’ve heard of this. I’ll clue my SD friends into it. At first glance I thought it was an immature black widow, as the patterns on their abdomens are exceedingly variable and highly decorative. So the above is the typical pattern?