Më ke parë mua?

Për ata Californians lexim, sidomos ato në jug, mbajtur një sy jashtë për këtë merimangë të bukur të vogël, Latrodectus geometricus – vejusha kafe. Arachnologists at UC Riverside are monitoring the spread of this invasive species. Ironikisht kjo rezulton të mos jetë aq e rrezikshme sa e veja tonë amtare zi. megjithatë, it is not from ’round these here parts (should be said in your best southern twang). If you find a specimen, especially if you’re not in LA/Orange/SD counties, you should contact the team at UCR.

2 comments to Have you seen me?

  • Interesante. This is the first I’ve heard of this. I’ll clue my SD friends into it. At first glance I thought it was an immature black widow, as the patterns on their abdomens are exceedingly variable and highly decorative. So the above is the typical pattern?