
Para eses californianos que len, especialmente os do sur, Estade atentos a esta fermosa araña, Latrodectus geometricus – a viúva parda. Aracnólogos da UC Riverside están vixiando a propagación desta especie invasora. Irónicamente, resulta que non é tan perigoso como a nosa viúva negra natal. Con todo, non é de arredor destas partes (debería dicirse no teu mellor ton do sur). Se atopas un exemplar, especialmente se non estás nos condados de LA/Orange/SD, deberías contacto o equipo da UCR.

2 comments to Have you seen me?

  • Interesante. This is the first I’ve heard of this. I’ll clue my SD friends into it. At first glance I thought it was an immature black widow, as the patterns on their abdomens are exceedingly variable and highly decorative. So the above is the typical pattern?

    • There are a few more images on the website, but it looks like they can be less boldly marked. I’m not sure what the most typical pattern would be