זשעני פון די דרוק, אין. מיר

עס ס גוט צו וואַרפן אַ טשאַנגעופּ יעדער איינער אין אַ בשעת, and this week here is an article that is actually GOOD. יאָ, איר לייענען עס דאָ ערשטער, אַ positive article about entomology collections. We all need a breather after that Fox news fiasco with the Michigan State collection. The Honolulu Magazine does a really great job (heyI knew that title sounded familiarit’s a book by May Berenbaum) and they actually seem to get it. There are some great quotes from Dr. Neal Evenhuis (pictured) and Shepherd Myers; go read about the Bishop Museum’s collections and the awesomeness of being an entomologist on one of the most beautiful places in the world. פאקטיש, Neal, need a curatorial assistant?

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