Moth tasting in Napa

It was a beautiful day today in the bay area, so I headed up to Napa and the Pope Valley. I was scouting some new territory for a small flower moth, Heliolonche celeris, that apparently is waiting for more contiguous nice weather to emerge. This season has been a bit tardy because of all of . . . → Weiterlesen: Moth tasting in Napa

Genie der Presse, v. IV

Another installment of Genius of the Press, and perhaps a bit of a softball. (Yikes these are easy to find) Who can tell me whats wrong with this article?

Ich fahre vielleicht zu viel

Die Wolken brachen heute Nachmittag in San Francisco auf und die Sonne begann zu scheinen. Das bevorstehende warme Wetter rief ein allzu vertrautes Gefühl hervor, eine, dass ich draußen Insekten sammeln und nicht drinnen sitzen sollte! Während ich diesen Frühling schon an einer Handvoll Orten war, I have a long season of collecting . . . → Weiterlesen: Ich fahre vielleicht zu viel

Medizinische Forschung für die Wissenschaftsmesse


I am really at a loss for understanding yet another positive acupuncture study that was as well designed as my 8th grade science fair project. Zugegeben, I was a nerdy science kid, but I could do a better job drunk. I think I should conduct a followup study in which I test the . . . → Weiterlesen: Medizinische Forschung für die Wissenschaftsmesse

Aquamoth part 3

A continuation of the aquamoth series, this time with video from Science Friday! Ja, I have to link it because wordpress won’t embed… Dank Ted, figured it out!