Tassonomija Fail

Recently came across some ridiculously horrible taxonomy from China (.pdf). If you scroll down a bit you can see the english translation. At first glance this looks like a standard taxonomy paper with bare-bones species descriptions. You might even think to yourself, “huh, wonder why they are describing species from only one specimen”. Not the . . . → Aqra Aktar: Tassonomija Fail

How easy is it

to fake a UFO encounter? I recorded this video two years ago over the desert of Arizona. To confess, it made my heart skip a beat at first. I turned around and there were three glowing lights floating silently above me. I literally thought to myselfholy s#@% I don’t believe in this crap!”. Il . . . → Aqra Aktar: How easy is it

New Technique Page!

I’ve just illustrated my method for spreading microlepidoptera, go explore the techniques page. Who is courageous enough to attempt it?

Jum it-Tajjeb tad-Dinja

With a great message from Bill Nye, the Science Guy.

We need to be conservationists to be sure, preserving wetlands, forests, open spaces and coastlines. We need to reduce our wasteplastic trash and the like. But what we really need is big, new ideas: new ways to distribute and store energy for . . . → Aqra Aktar: Jum it-Tajjeb tad-Dinja

Issa huwa ċ-ċans tagħna…

A 15 balieni griż sieq biss maħsul up fil-San Francisco Bay. Issa huwa ċ-ċans tagħna għall jisplodi parti balieni 2!

Kif inżomm ruħi okkupat

I’ve been busy spreading microleps over the last few days, and here is a small selection from my summer collecting trips. Still have at least another 200 to go before catching up on my backlog. I am working on illustrating just how to spread these moths… sabiex tissospendi sintonizzat.

2009 was a great season. I . . . → Aqra Aktar: Kif inżomm ruħi okkupat

Genius of the Press V

Allura x'inhu ħażin ma 'din l-illustrazzjoni hawn taħt? Sounds like a great show at the Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati. This news story made me look just a little closer

Vox populi, volum I

Stajt jiltaqgħu ftit transcripts e-mail ta 'mistoqsijiet mibgħuta fis dipartiment entomoloġija tagħna u I ma tistax tirreżisti qsim tagħhom. I wegħda dawn il-messaġġi huma (u se jkun) 100% reali u unedited. Ismijiet ġew mibdula jew imneħħija biex jipproteġu l-innoċenti. Nisperaw, I se jiltaqgħu dawn kull darba fil-waqt, u . . . → Aqra Aktar: Vox populi, volum I

Farfett tal-ġimgħa

Kont kemxejn naqas fil-pubblikazzjoni ta' sfidi regolari, allura nipprova nkabbar il-pass. Min jista’ jgħidli xi ħaġa dwar dan il-farfett? L-aktar li qed tieħu huwa li huwa min-nofs tal-Punent tal-Istati Uniti. Kreditu għall-familja, genus or species and ridiculous credit for subspecies and where it is . . . → Aqra Aktar: Farfett tal-ġimgħa

Ikseb Ħajja, Skoperta

I sib rapt quddiem TV tiegħi nhar il-Ħadd jaraw l-installment aħħar tas-serje BBC / Discovery “Ħajja”. L-ewwel ħaġa li tiġi f'moħħna tiegħi… “GħALIEX kien Oprah magħżul biex narrate!?” Naturalment, I stenniet l-insetti speċjali għall-arja qabel I blogged dwar dan, but having to listen to Oprah for the . . . → Aqra Aktar: Ikseb Ħajja, Skoperta