Time to let Texas be its own country again

As if educational standards weren’t bad enough in this country, Teksaso nusprendė kad jie dar blogiau. A recent push from a conservative school board has re-written history, literally. The logic may be a bit difficult to follow, but they have attempted tobalancehistory by injecting more conservative ideals (mind you, niekas istorikas ant lentos). Tai, kas turi būti pakeista:

  • Įrašyta klaidinamas atskirti bažnyčią ir valstybę – (taip, mes žinome, kad tai ne pažodžiui konstitucijoje. Nereiškia, kad jis neegzistuoja.)
  • Aptarti, kaip krikščionybės idealais padėjo rasti mūsų šalį.
  • Konservatorių atgimimas 80-ųjų ir 90-ųjų, įskaitant moralines daugumos ir NRI.
  • Aptariant smurtinio pobūdžio kai kurių pilietinių teisių judėjimų ir respublikonų paramą Kongreso pilietinių teisių balsų.
  • Įrašyta, kad vokiečiai ir italai buvo internuoti, taip pat, ne tik Antrojo pasaulinio karo metu Japonija.
  • Įrašyta, kaip senatorius McCarthy neklydo yra paranojikas per komunizmo.
  • Pakeičiant žodį “kapitalizmas” with “laisvos rinkos įmonė”.
  • Pašalinimas Thomas Jefferson iš sekcijų knygos.

Visas šis pokytis yra baisiai. Aš neturiu problemų paminimos kai respublikinius pirmininkus ir jų teigiamą vaidmenį istorijos, arba GOP vaidmuo. Istorija gali būti parašytas nugalėtojų, tačiau ji turėtų siekti teisinga ir subalansuota sistema. Pakeitimus pirmiau, yra absoliuti nesąmonė ir tik tarnauti toliau savo konservatorius, religinis, darbotvarkė. What really pisses me off is the alteration of the civil rights movement and Japanese internment. Just because a bunch of old, fat, white men in congress realized they better pass civil rights laws does not mean they should deserve credit for it. Ir, are they really expecting us to believe that internment was not focused on the Japanese? That entire chapter in our US history is undeniably horrible and shameful, it was also fueled by racism. I do not understand how supporting bigotry and racism is considered a conservative value. Why must they unashamedly, and ignorantly, re-write history to further their agenda? The poisoning of the GOP and conservative values by religion is all to clear in this case. The bread and butter of religious fundamentalism is inculcating the youth. This strategy is very successful when you encourage large families and insane devotion. Now that the majority of conservatives are religious they are spinning their webs onto our children (gerai, your children).

The worst is yet to come. Texas and California are the largest textbook markets in the country. If they pass legislation mandating the alteration of texts then the publishing companies must fall into line. Since printing different versions of books for different states is financially unfeasible, then only ONE book gets printed for US schools. If Texas successfully adds this BS to the history books then every public school in the US gets force fed (or as republicans like to sayrammed down our throats) these books.

What is a conservative today if not religious? What is coming next: insertion of morebalancedideals of global warming, cloning and evolutionary biology. Stay tuned.

Fail to Texas.

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